DynamicDeals Offers Participating Businesses Extended Reach to AAA's 4.1 Million Members in the Midwest
A new web-based service that provides special limited-time discounts and offers to AAA members will be launched on June 1, 2007, at AAA.com. Called DynamicDeals(SM), the program gives consumer product and services companies a unique opportunity to provide discounts and savings to AAA's 4.1 million members throughout the Midwest.
DynamicDeals(SM) will operate in conjunction with the Auto Club's current member savings program -- Show Your Card & Save(R) -- but will be more oriented toward time-sensitive, targeted savings opportunities.
DynamicDeals(SM) uses a sophisticated data collection system that enables it to make relevant product and/or service recommendations to members, based on previous search activity, demographic profile or expressed interest through permission marketing programs.
All data collected is subject to strict privacy controls that protect AAA members from unwanted solicitations.
"DynamicDeals(SM) offers the best combination of brand exposure and targeted sales activities," said Thomas Wehrmeister, director of Membership Product Management for The Auto Club Group (ACG). "Advertisers are able to target distinct offers to different groups of AAA members simultaneously, based on demographics, location, inventory or other business objectives."
According to Wehrmeister, the special offers are managed by each participating business and can be changed as frequently as desired using a web-based site management tool. In addition, participating businesses will have access to reports, enabling them to track the effectiveness of offers on a continuous basis.
Best of all, this sophisticated database marketing system is available at a cost that is very competitive with both print and current Internet advertising.
AAA members can view the DynamicDeals(SM) website beginning June 1 by visiting www.AAA.com/savings
The Auto Club Group (ACG) is the largest affiliation of AAA clubs in the Midwest, with approximately 4.1 million members in eight states. ACG belongs to the national AAA federation, a not-for-profit organization with more than 50 million members in the United States and Canada.
Source: The Auto Club Group
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